English for Liberal Arts Program リベラルアーツ英語プログラム

In addition to increasing students' facility with English, the English for Liberal Arts Program (ELA) enhances their capacity for critical thinking and cultivates the skills necessary to study effectively at ICU. Consequently, this is a very important introductory program to a liberal arts education.

The majority of April entrants study in the ELA intensively during their first year at ICU. Students are placed into Streams 1, 2, 3, or 4 based on their English proficiency. In each Stream, students are divided into small-size classes of approximately 20 students, which are called "sections". Depending on the Stream, students take 4-11 periods of ELA classes every week.

Students read college-level articles on topics such as "Intercultural Communication" and "Bioethics", discuss and present ideas and opinions, and write papers on each topic. Through such academic activities, students learn to be critical, creative and independent thinkers in English. In addition, the intensive English learning environment prepares students to take liberal arts courses in English.

Students read college-level articles on topics such as “Intercultural Communication” and “Bioethics”, discuss and present ideas and opinions, and write papers on each topic. Through such academic activities, students learn to be critical, creative and independent thinkers in English. In addition, the intensive English learning environment prepares students to take liberal arts courses in English.
> English for Liberal Arts Program (ELA) (ICU Official Web)

「リベラルアーツ英語プログラム(ELA: English for Liberal Arts Program)」は、学生の英語力を向上させると同時に、ICUで効果的に学ぶための思考力と技術を養う、リベラルアーツへの重要な導入教育です。

主に日本語を母語とする学生が、1年次の大半を費やして集中的に学びます。習熟度に応じて課程(Stream 1~4)が決まり、各課程では約20人ずつの「セクション」と呼ばれる少人数のクラスに分かれ、週4コマから11コマの授業を履修します。


> リベラルアーツ英語プログラムについて (ICU Official Web)