Academic Reading and Writing 読解と論文作法

Course Description

English for Liberal Arts Program (Stream 3): Academic Reading and Writing Along with Reading and Content Analysis 3, ARW3 is a core course in the ELA Program. By engaging important intellectual issues through core topics and readings, this course develops students academic English proficiency in extensive reading, writing, and discussion. Particular emphasis is placed on developing critical thinking skills, a cornerstone for further coursework in the liberal arts. This course is taught over three terms which must be taken in sequence

「精読と英文構成法」と共に、リベラルアーツ英語プログラム(Stream 3)の中核となる科目である。学問的テーマに沿って選ばれたトピックの学習を通して、大学課程で要求される英語運用能力(多読・精読、論文作成、討論)の向上と、学習スキルの獲得を図る。基礎的学問能力としての批判的思考能力の修得に重点をおく。1、2、3学期の順に履修すること。

Contents of Lectures 20Lectures / 6 Videos


※Video is partial recording of Course.



※Video is partial recording of lecture.


Oct 18

※Video is partial recording of lecture.


Instructor: MATIKAINEN‚ Tiina(~2016年度) | Language of Instruction: E

Course ID: ELA030 | Stream3 | Update: 2014.01.07 Category: English for Liberal Arts Program