H1: The World of Traditional Japanese Culture H1:日本伝統芸能の世界

Course Description

Students acquire basic knowledge on the history and feature of the traditional Japanese culture, and discuss its present problems and its future.


Contents of Lectures 11 Lectures / 2 Videos


(1) 雅楽

(2) 声明

(3) 民俗芸能

(4) 能楽Ⅰ

(5) 能楽Ⅱ

(6) 人形浄瑠璃Ⅰ

(7) 人形浄瑠璃Ⅱ

【Special Open Lecture 特別公開講演会】

The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Gidayu-bushi 日本伝統芸能の世界ー義太夫節ー

Ms. Koshiko Takemoto 竹本越孝氏(太夫)/ Ms. Kan’ya Tsuruszawa 鶴澤寛也氏(三味線)

(8) 歌舞伎Ⅰ

(9) 歌舞伎Ⅱ

(10) 落語

Instructor: YANAI‚ Kenji 矢内賢二 | Language of Instruction: J

Course ID: GEH026 | Course Schedule: 4*/M, 4*/TH | Update: 2017.03.22

Fields of Relation: Literature 文学 Category: General Education