2014A  S2: History of Liberal Arts S2: リベラルアーツの歴史  

Course Description

ICU is well known as the pioneer liberal arts university in Japan. But what is meant by the liberal arts?This course will introduce students to the history and present-day implications and significance of a liberal arts education. Beginning with Socrates, the course will trace the evolution of liberal learning (as a distinctive approach to education) through the European middle ages up to the present day.


September 8  Introduction (by Professor Tachikawa Akira) What is the Liberal Arts?

September 11  No Class (see assignment on Moodle for September 15)

September 15  The Socratic Tradition: The Philosopher as Professor

September 18  Learning from Antigone: The Playwright as Professor

September 22 The Seven Liberal Arts

September 25 Liberal Arts Exercise 1: Religious Literacy and the Liberal Arts

September 29: Oxford University: The British tradition (Guest: Professor Kei Nasu)

October 2 Harvard University: Liberal Arts come to America

October 6 Liberal Arts Exercise 2: Free Speech and the Liberal Arts

October 9 Free Speech Issues: Japan and the United States

October 13 Japan and the Liberal Arts (Fukuzawa Yukichi and

October 16 The Small Liberal Arts College in the United States

October 20 Liberalism in Education in Taisho Period Japan

October 23 Yuasa Hachiro and the Establishment of ICU in postwar Japan.

October 27 Liberal Arts Execise 3: Human Rights and the Liberal Rights

October 30 Integrating Liberal Rights into a Liberal Arts Education

November 3 No Class

November 6 How to “do liberal arts”

November 10 Socrates Revisited: Liberal Arts for the 21st Century

November 13 Reading Period 

Instructor: STEELE‚ M. William | Language of Instruction: E

Major: History 歴史学 | Course ID: HST224 | Course Schedule: 4*/M, 4*/TH | Update: 2017.10.30  Category: Major Courses